
How Easy To Get Kuwait-Civil-ID-Home-Delivery 2023-Step-By-Step Guide

Kuwait-Civil-ID-Home-Delivery Tracking Number:- Kuwait has introduced the Civil Identification Number (ID) as a national electronic identifier, serving as a secure means for both citizens and residents to establish their identity digitally. This single digital identity can be utilized across a spectrum of government services and remains portable for user convenience.

To enhance this service, the Public Authority for Civil Information provides a complimentary civil ID delivery service, accompanied by a tracking number. Through an intuitive online interface, individuals can easily monitor the status of their civil ID delivery.

In Kuwait, the government mandates the issuance of civil ID cards, also referred to as profiles, for all citizens. Additionally, residents of Kuwait are obligated to possess a Civil ID card that reflects their legal status.

This tracking feature proves invaluable in situations where there is a delay in receiving the Civil ID card, difficulties in its retrieval, or a simple need to monitor the progress of the application. It streamlines the process, ensuring a smoother experience for all concerned parties.

Kuwait-Civil-ID-Home-Delivery Tracking

You can easily do the verification of your Civil ID for picking up by entering your own Civil ID number. If you’re uncertain about its appearance, you can also click here to access an online view of your civil ID.

This valuable and user-friendly online tool makes the process more simple, ensuring you’ve the desired information on your fingertips.


Checking The Status Of Kuwait-Civil-ID-Home-Delivery

Tracking the delivery of your Civil ID card is a straightforward process. After following these steps, the PACI card will be delivered directly to your home. It’s important to note that in addition to the Civil ID cost, there’s an additional fee of 0.25KD for adding another card to the same address. This information ensures a clear understanding of the process and associated costs.

For detailed information about PACI’s home delivery service, please visit the PACI website by clicking on the Kuwait civil id home delivery link provided below. To browse their website, please adhere to the following steps:

  • On PACI’s webpage, click on the ‘Options‘ tab, which can be found in the top right corner of the page.
  • From the drop-down menu, select ‘Delivery Request Status.’
  • In the ‘Delivery Request Status‘ section, you will see a blank space where you should enter your Kuwait Civil ID number.
  • After entering your ID number, click the ‘Search‘ button.
  • After pressing the button ”Search” a new page will show with complete information about your application.
  • It is crucial to emphasize that Kuwait’s Civil ID cards are handled with the utmost security and confidentiality by Kuwaiti authorities.
  • Once your card is sent out for delivery, it will arrive in a secure envelope at the address you provided, clearly featuring the Power logo.

In the event that you do not have your Kuwait Civil ID card for any reason, you will need to furnish it to the delivery person, along with the required documentation, to facilitate the issuance of a new Kuwait Civil ID card. This procedure is in place to safeguard the security and reliability of the Civil ID issuance and delivery system.

kuwait civil id home delivery request

Kuwait Civil ID Home Delivery Registration

Registering for Kuwait Civil ID home delivery is a straightforward process for the convenience of card delivery to your residence. Here’s how to get started:

  • Access the PACI Kuwait Civil ID Home Delivery Registration Service.
  • Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
  • Choose the appropriate option (Old Card Available or Old Card Option is Not Available).
  • Enter your Civil ID number and serial number.
  • Provide your contact information.
  • Double-check the details you’ve entered.
  • Save the registration receipt for your records.

By following these steps, you can easily register for the home delivery of your Kuwait Civil ID card.

kuwait civil id home delivery registration

What’s the reason? The Civil ID card I requested has not yet been issued.

According to the PACI website, your Kuwait civil id home delivery request has been validated, but you haven’t received your Civil ID card yet. It is advisable to exercise patience and wait for a few more days until you receive your Civil ID card.

If you have any concerns or wish to inquire about the status of your Civil ID card, you can contact PACI’s customer service department for further assistance. They should be in a position to provide you all the relevant and necessary information and updates regarding your Civil ID card delivery.


I hope you read the article about Kuwait-Civil-ID-home-delivery These instructions are designed to assist you in checking the status of your Civil ID card online from the comfort of your home. After following these simple and quick steps, you can get the desired results through the official website of PACI.

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